How To Succeed In Business/Life

Are you currently trying to succeed as a business owner/entrepreneur? Or have aspirations to become one? I’ll share the #1 thing that has helped me become successful over the course of 10+ years being a entrepreneur. That one thing is CONSISTENCY. What is consistency? “the quality of always behaving or performing in a similar way, or of always happening in a similar way.

Consistency is Key 🔑

Consistency to me is showing up everyday when you might not necessarily want to. Almost everyone aspires to be free and be their own boss but just lack the discipline to do so. Another reason why people may struggle is due to “Shiny Object Syndrome” – This simply means that there are so many opportunities out in the world and people just get pulled in so many directions that they cant get going on one thing. That’s why i say to be successful you need to master one skill or one trade so that you can be sure you can make a living from it.

For myself i’ve mastered lead generation and have made myself a millionaire from this skillset. I first started learning web design when i created a website for my family’s small business back in 2010. From there i learned SEO (how to rank the website on Google) then i picked up on paid ads using Google and Facebook. All these skills i’ve learned over the years have allowed me master these skills so businesses will pay me $500-$3,000+ per month.

Be Consistent and Determined 😤

This has lead me to living a life of freedom. For the past 4-5 years i’ve traveled around the world full time not having set business hours, no boss to report too. It was a grind to get to this point in my life but is now totally worth it looking back. The reason why i succeed and many others do not is that i didn’t give up when things got hard. I was consistent and determined to make my dreams a reality. I encourage you to do the same.

2024 Goals 🤑

Now in 2024 i’m focusing on teaching others a path of success with less road blocks so you too can live a life of freedom. It’s not easy and it’s not overnight but if you stay the course and be consistent you too can make a living online as an entrepreneur. My training Lead Gen Freedom will teach you how to become a lead gen expert. I’ve packed all my knowledge over the past 10-12 years into this so that it will help those looking for a legitimate side-hustle/career.